Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What's in my Backpack?

Hey guys. Todays post is a look inside my school backpack. Some days I am in class from 10 am to 10 pm and my backpack is filled to the brim with my necessities for schoolwork and my sanity. So here is a look inside my backpack on a typical day.

My backpack is a gray and pink North Face backpack. I love the North Face backpacks because it doesn't hurt my back when I am carrying around 20 pounds of stuff all across campus. The backpack also has a lot of pockets, which is great for someone like me who needs to be super organized. On it are several pins from various student organizations and campaigns on my campus. 

In the two side pockets of my backpack I keep my water bottle and my tumbler. My water bottle is a pink camelbak with my monogram on it in Lilly she she shells pattern (which is my favorite). I got it form the Etsy shop PreppyandProud and I absolutely love it. I try to stay super hydrated during the day especially when it gets really hot and humid here in Virginia. My tumbler is in my sorority's (Pi Beta Phi) Lilly Print. My tumbler is usually filled with Emergen - C which is my go to in avoiding the plague of colds that always hit freshmen. So far I have avoided them.  

In the main pocket in my backpack, the first thing I have is my laptop. My laptop is a must for me because I take notes on them. Most of my professors teach with powerpoints, and post those powerpoints online before class. So it's super easy for me to take notes on them and then when its time to study everything is in one portable place. My laptop is a macbook pro 13 in. which was an amazing graduation present from my grandparents. On it I have a soft pink hard shell with my monogram on it in she she shells Lilly print. The decal is from another Etsy shop, cestlaviedesignss, which is also where I got the monogram decals for my car and my sisters. The neoprene sleeve for my laptop is my absolute favorite. It took forever to find a sleeve that matched the color of my shell and the Lilly print and I was super lucky to find this one by LoveyDoveyCreations on Etsy. 

Next in my main pocket are my pencil holders. Both of them are Lilly, one in the first impressions print and the other in the may flowers print. The may flower case hold my pencils. I love writing and taking notes in pencil, but I learned long ago that if I stored the pencils and their sharpener with all my other writing utensils then everything would be covered in pencil lead. So I keep them separate. In the first impressions case I keep my pens for my agenda. My pens are Staedtler triplus fineliner,  I love them for my agenda because they come in fun colors, write super smoothly, and most importantly they don't bleed through. Also in the case I keep my highlighters, sharpies, paper clips (Kate Spade Bows), and a lens cleaner for my computer and phone screen.  

Next we have my agenda. Since high school I have use a Lilly Pulitzer planner and I love them. Not only are they fun and colorful but they provide plenty of space in their weekly calendars for all my assignments and their monthly calendars are great for general overviews. I use a large planner and this one is in trippin sippin. I will do a full post about how I organize my agenda later this week. 

Along with my agenda, I also always keep a notebook and a pleasure reading book in my bag. The notebook is a cute owl print from Target that holds all of my life plans in it. I'm serious, the notebook contains all of my university requirements, major and minor requirements, class schedules, what professors to take and which ones to avoid (curtesy of my upperclassmen friends), internship and application requirements, blog post idea, etc... Basically my whole life is in that notebook and if I were to every lose it I would probably cry. So I just keep it with me at all times, I mean you never know when someone will give you really good advice or an idea will suddenly come to you. I also always keep a book with me for when I have down time in between classes. Right now I am reading a book called Adulting: How to be a Grown-Up in 468 easy(ish) steps by Kelly Williams Brown. I love this book. I like most advise books in general because they usually do give good advise, even though you usually have to weed it out, but this book is amazing. The author is so blunt and sassy that it makes reading the book enjoyable and absorbing the advise a secondary bi-product. The formatting is also done in a way that it is also a great reference book if your looking for specific advise later. 

Lastly we have the small front pocket. This is where I store the stuff that I don't use regularly but is great to have on me just incase. First, and not pictured, are my chargers for my phone and laptop because lets face it I am gonna run out of battery during the day. The best part is that with the newer lecture halls on my campus, each seat has its own outlet in the arm rest which makes charging super easy. On that same note my second item is my portable battery. This is a must have because as most people know your phone is going to die at the most inconvenient time and when there are no outlets in sight. Next I have my fashion emergency kit. This is great, inside it had a needle and thread, buttons, static remover, wrinkle remover, fashion tape, and a whole bunch of great things for when you outfits don't agree with you. With that I also keep a tide stain stick in my bag because the chances of me spilling something on myself, especially if I am wearing white, is very high. I also keep Kleenex, tic tacs, and my lip balm in the front pocket since you are always going to need those thing. Lastly I store my keys in my front pocket.  

So what did you think? Anything that is an absolute essential in your bag?

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