Monday, March 30, 2015

Greek Week!!

Hey guys. This past week at my school has been Greek Week. Its an awesome week where the greek community pairs off into teams of 1 social sorority, 2 social fraternities, 1 ethnic fraternity, and 1 academic/service fraternity. We then spend the week competing against each other and raising money and donations for charities. Greek week has an overall theme, which for this year was Disney, and each team gets assigned a theme inside of that, which for us was History. I want to share with you guys some of the awesome fun we had during the week.

   The first event of the week was banner. All the teams had to paint a banner related to their theme to be hung in our main student center.

This is my sororities. Team History

Team Woodlands

Team Jungle

Team Fantasy

Team Suburbs

Team Desert 

Team Under the Sea

The next event in Greek Week was Shack-a-thon. Each team had to build a "shack" related to their theme out of cardboard, duck tape, and paint. At least 4 people for each team had to be at the shack for 8 am to 9 pm for 3 days. Each team collected money for Habitat for Humanity for the event.

Team History 

Team Woodlands

Team Jungle

Team Fantasy 

Team Suburbs

Team Desert

Team Under the Sea

Next we did a volunteer event where we paired with Full Circle Home to create care packages. Together all the teams also collected over 24,300 cans for Food for Others and over 19,000 toiletries for the Ronald McDonald Foundation.

All the volunteers for Full Circle Home


Making Scarves

Boxing up care packages

Some of the cans 

Next was the Amazing Disney Race, the Disney Field Day, and Aquatics night. The Amazing Disney Race was basically a footrace/trivia game across campus. Field Day was made up of events like three legged race, sack race, and tug of war. Aquatics night was made up of relay races and a synchronized swimming competition. 

Our Amazing Disney Race team

Our Tug-of-war team

Synchronized swimming team

Lastly, Greek Week concluded with Greek Sing. Greek Sing is a 15 minute performance involving a massive amount of props, singing, intense dance numbers, and really bad acting. 

Team History

Team Fantasy

Team Fantasy

Team Fantasy

Team Desert

Team Under the Sea

Team Under the Sea
Till next time guys.



Saturday, March 28, 2015

Spring Outfits

Hey guys! Spring is definitely my favorite season. Warmer weather, bright colors, pretty pastels, and cute wedges. Now that I am living in the DC area, spring also means cherry blossoms everywhere on campus, which are my absolute favorite flower. So in honor of spring and the upcoming Cherry Blossom Festival I would like to share with you guys some of my favorite spring time outfits.

Some of my personal Spring fashion tips:

1. I try to balance out lengths. Meaning if I am wearing a long sleeve top I try to wear a short bottom. For me is the ideal combination for the weather.

2. Bright colors are a must. The best part of spring is getting to exchange your more neutral winter wardrobe for the fun bright colors of spring. Hot Pink, Coral, Turquoise, and Yellow are my go to's. 

3. Embrace white. Especially as spring changes to summer, white is what I call a "happier" neutral and allows for a clean background to all my fun and colorful accessories.

4. Wedges, sandals, and flats. It isn't quite time for 24/7 flip-flop wearing but you are also no longer limited in you foot wear choices by the sheer necessity of warmth or snow proofing. Spring also means that wedges are totally appropriate to replace heals for fancy functions. 

5. Button downs and cardigans. These are the most versatile items in my closet. Buttons downs can be worn with jeans or shorts for a quick easy look or over a dress/skirt for a cute country vibe. Cardigans work the same. They can be worn over button down, cute tops, or fun spring dresses.   

I hope you guys enjoy these outfits and tips for spring.

Weekend Movie Binge

Hey everybody! What was once warm weather here in Virginia has given way to temperatures in the 20's and crazy wind chills. So my best friends and I opted to forgo out door activities for bing watching our favorite movies. So here are our tips for an awesome movie binge.

1. Awesome Friends:
        This is a must. You have find people who can deal with your animated fan-girling and totally inappropriate commenting. Plus you really shouldn't be eating that entire pizza by yourself.

2. Comfy Lounging area:
        Perfect opportunity to pull together every blanket, pillow, and soft fluffy thing you own into a massive pile of awesome. For the overly enthusiastic group, cushions from you common room can be added to your fort.

3. Snacks!!!
        Food is a must especially for a marathon of this size. Pizza is a given but here is one of my favorite movie watching snacks. PS all recipes can be made in a microwave ;)
                                  1. S'mores Snack Mix
 2 cups of graham cracker cereal
2 cups of mini marshmallows
1 cup of chocolate chips
1. Spread crackers and marshmallows out on a backing sheet or plate
2. Heat chocolate chips in a bowl in the microwave at 30 second intervals until melted
3. Pour melted chocolate over the mix and let cool
4. Enjoy!!!
4. Last but most importantly the movie. Here are our top 8:
1. The Harry Potter Series

2. Legally Blonde 

3. The Prince and Me

4. The Nanny Diaries 

5. The Devil Wears Prada

6. Bridesmaids

7.  Miss Congeniality

  8. Mean Girls

Hope you guys get to enjoy your very own movie binge. Enjoy the rest of your weekend

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lilly for Target

Hey guys. This post is coming from outside my dorm room as the weather here in Virginia is absolutely perfect. Thought it is only suppose to last for another couple hours. But hey, I'll take what I can get. So in honor of this fine spring day, I've decided to do a post about this spring's most talked about line, Lilly Pulitzer for Target! When Target originally announced the new line there was a good deal of mixed reception from devoted Lilly lovers like myself. But whether you are for or against the line, you can't deny that the new line is adorable!! So here are some of my favorite pieces: 

How do you guys like the new line? Favorite patterns and pieces? Till next time.